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Vol. 18 Issue 3 September 2010

1. Morphological features in myocardial bridging
D. Dermengiu, I. Vovolis, S. Hostiuc, G.C. Curcă, M.C. Rusu, L. Luca
Rom J Leg Med18(3)163-170(2010)

2. The specificity of the epithelial mesenchyme inductive relations in the morphogenetic synergisms algorithm inside branched tube-alveolar and tube-acinar systems
G.S. Drăgoi, P.R. Melinte, M. Tudosie, I. Dincă
Rom J Leg Med18(3)171-178(2010)

3. Extralobar pulmonary sequestration. An autopsy case
S. Furukawa, A. Takaya, T. Nakagawa, I. Sakaguchi, K. Nishi
Rom J Leg Med18(3)179-182(2010)

4. Sudden cardiac death in non-atherosclerotic and noninflamatory intimal cellular proliferations. A case report
D. Dermengiu, G.C. Curcă, N. Sârbu, S. Hostiuc, M. Ceauşu
Rom J Leg Med18(3)183-188(2010)

5. Cardiac echinococcosis causing unexpected death. A case report
D. Butcovan, C. Grigoriu, V. Astărăstoae
Rom J Leg Med18(3)189-192(2010)

6. Fatal anaphylaxis in the presence of eosinophilic pneumonia in an asthmatic patient. A case report
M. Liang, A. Sunnassee, L. Yan, N. Zheng, L. Zhuo, Z. Haidong, L. Liang
Rom J Leg Med18(3)193-198(2010)

7. Refrigeration-induced skull base fracture: three autopsy cases
M. Liang, L. Yan, A. Sunnassee, N. Zheng, Z. Haidong, L. Zhuo, L. Liang
Rom J Leg Med18(3)199-202(2010)

8. Atypical Trajectory of a Thoracoabdominal Gunshot Injury without Penetration
M. Gümüş, A. Böyük, H. Gümüş, M. Kapan, A. Önder
Rom J Leg Med18(3)203-206(2010)

9. Morphological analysis of dental implants – forensic significance
A. Byraki, A.V. Costea, D. Dermengiu, G.C. Curcă, S. Hostiuc
Rom J Leg Med18(3)207-212(2010)

10. Liability in plastic surgery. A Romanian forensic perspective
E. Vasalos, D. Dermengiu, A. Salem, S. Hostiuc
Rom J Leg Med18(3)213-216(2010)

11. Identification of forensically important sarcophagid flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) based on COI gene in China
G. Yadong, C. Jifeng, W. Xinghua, L. Lingmei, L. Qinlai, L. Xiang, C. Yunfeng, M. Zhong, W. Xiang, W. Jifang
Rom J Leg Med18(3)217-224(2010)

12. Potentialities of scanning electron microscopy and EDX analysis in bullet wounds
C. Biro, P. Kovac, M. Palkovic, O. El-Hassoun, M. Caplovicova, J. Novotny, J. Jakubovsky
Rom J Leg Med18(3)225-230(2010)

13. Drugs effects on the central nervous system. Forensic implications
D. Popescu, G. Popescu, G. Lupu, V. Panus, S. Neagu-Sadoveanu, O. Buda
Rom J Leg Med18(3)231-236(2010)

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