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Vol. 18 Issue 2 June 2010

1. Medical legal implications of cardiac contusion - case report
D. Dermengiu, M. Ceausu, M.C. Rusu, S. Dermengiu, C. Capatina, S. Hostiuc, G.C. Curca
Rom J Leg Med18(2)83-94(2010)

2. The significance of the time and space distribution of the fibrinoid substance during the genesis and evolution of human placenta. Forensic implications
G.S. Dragoi, I. Dinca, P.R. Melinte, G. Silca, D. Zimsa
Rom J Leg Med18(2)95-102(2010)

3. Subependymal injuries in anterior horns of lateral ventricles and saggital rotational acceleration applied to the head
N. Kuroda, T. Kita, S. Mimasaka, K. Wakabayashi
Rom J Leg Med18(2)103-114(2010)

4. Dilemmas surrounding the occurrence mechanism of cerebral diffuse vascular injury
N. Davceva
Rom J Leg Med18(2)115-120(2010)

5. Cerebral venous angioma and capillary hemangioma. Report of two cases
L. Hecser, H. Jung, D. Matei, K. Palfi Siklodi
Rom J Leg Med18(2)121-124(2010)

6. The diameter of the internal jugular vein studied by autopsy
S. Furukawa, T. Nakagawa, I. Sakaguchi, K. Nishi
Rom J Leg Med18(2)125-128(2010)

7. Ontogenetic landmarks of the organ of hearing in fetal age determination
G. Lupu, D. Popescu, V. Panus, G. Popescu
Rom J Leg Med18(2)129-132(2010)

8. High-throughput toxicological analysis of delta 9-THC and 11-nor-9-carboxy-delta 9-THC by LC/MS/MS
L. Vlase, D.S. Popa, D. Zaharia, F. Loghin
Rom J Leg Med18(2)133-140(2010)

9. Individual susceptibility associated with enzymatic and cytogenetic biomarkers in occupational exposure to inorganic lead
M. Stoia, S. Oancea
Rom J Leg Med18(2)141-148(2010)

10. Method for fingerprints age determination
G. Popa, R. Potorac, N. Preda
Rom J Leg Med18(2)149-154(2010)

11. Fingerprints evaluation in systemic sclerosis
G. Popa, R.C. Ionitescu, R. Potorac, C. Mihai, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica
Rom J Leg Med18(2)155-160(2010)

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