<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 30, Issue 4, December 2022

Rom J Leg Med30(4)258-263(2022)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


D. Doroftei, C. C. Radu, C. Carașca, C. Negrea, L. Csok, C. H. Rebeleanu, C. Siserman

Abstract: Skydiving incidents during flight are common, a decisive factor in what concerns the traumatic injuries severity being represented by special techniques- to prevent the conversion of incidents into accidents. The injury pattern is revealing a polymorphism related to every single incident. In rare cases these incidents conclude with severe bodily injuries or even death. In this paper, two cases of skydiving accidents will be reviewed, one concluded with the survival of the skydiver, and the other with the person’s death, by analyzing the operational procedures, their usage, the severity of the traumatic injuries and other skydiving accidents from international literature.
Keywords: Traumatic injuries, skydiving accidents, operational procedures, parachuting accidents.

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