<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 20, Issue 1, March 2012

Rom J Leg Med20(1)65-72(2012)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine

Frequency and related factors of exposure to violence of women in the southwest of Turkey

E. Uskun, T. Nayir, A. N. Kisioglu

Abstract: ObjectiveM/b>: to determine the incidence of exposure to violence among women before and during marriage and pregnancy; to establish the independent effect of different socio-demographic factors associated with abuse. Methods: Women living in the study area were determined to give birth in last 12 months. The existence of physical and/or sexual violence in three periods: before marriage, during marriage and during pregnancy. Results: It was determined that 18.5% of the participants had been exposed to premarital violence, 9.7% during marriage and 3.2% during pregnancy. Conclusion: Improvement in women’s education level and economic status will play a key role in the prevention of violence against them.
Keywords: Violence, Pregnancy, Reproductive health

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