<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 20, Issue 1, March 2012

Rom J Leg Med20(1)19-32(2012)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine

Anatomic markers for the retrospective and prospective evaluation of pathology involving the feto - placental and utero - placental circulatory systems inside human placenta.

D. Zimta, P. R. Melinte, I. Dinca, G. S. Dragoi

Abstract: Authors studied a large number of human placenta (750) and they identified and nominalized four anatomic markers as morphologic and functional indicators for the structures inside the utero - placental and feto - placental circulatory systems: umbilical cord, subchorial veins thrombosis for the feto - placental circulatory system, perivillous fibrin deposition and retroplacental hematoma for utero - placental circulatory system. These markers contribute to the knowledge of the mechanisms for intrauterine asphyxiation, fetal death and intrauterine fetal growth restriction.
Keywords: placenta, umbilical cord, fibrin deposit, retroplacental hematoma

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