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Vol. 23 Issue 3 September 20151. A case of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Romania M. Ceauşu, C. O. Capatina, S. Hostiuc, D. DermengiuRom J Leg Med23(3)157-162(2015) 2. Death due to electrocution during shower: one case report and brief review of the literature X. Chen, Y. Liu, H. Qin, L. Zhang, H. Zhu, Y. Yang, P. Guan, Rom J Leg Med23(3)163-166(2015) 3. Correlation between death while bathing and meteorological parameters in the 23 wards of Tokyo N. Tanaka, N. Miyatake, H. Kinoshita, T. FukunagaRom J Leg Med23(3)167-170(2015) 4. Correlation between chronological age and the stage of union of the distal femur and proximal tibia epiphyses in a Romanian sample population C. Dogaroiu, M. AvramoiuRom J Leg Med23(3)171-176(2015) 5. Mechanical asphyxia due to biological agents. Case report and literature review D. P. Dumbravă, O. Chiroban, C. C. RaduRom J Leg Med23(3)177-180(2015) 6. Usefulness of MPMCTA as an adjuvant to forensic autopsies in cases of gunshot deaths A. C. Minoiu, S. Hostiuc, P. Baumann, O. Tudorache, B. F. Covaliu, A. M. Bratu, B. Popa, S. GrabherrRom J Leg Med23(3)181-186(2015) 7. Investigation of human DNA profiles in house dust mites: Implications in forensic acarology H. Çakan, K. Güven, F. E. Çevik, M. Demirci, S. Saribas, Rom J Leg Med23(3)187-192(2015) 8. Genetic basis of aggression: Overview and implications for legal proceedings S. Teodorović, B. UzelacRom J Leg Med23(3)193-202(2015) 9. Complex endocrine pathology discovered during investigations performed after politrauma - forensic implications A. Ghemigian, M. Carsote, A. Dumitrascu, C. Capatina, S. PaunRom J Leg Med23(3)203-207(2015) 10. Multiple drug poisoning case caused by a pharmacokinetic interaction involving paroxetine H. Kinoshita, N. Tanaka, A. Takakura, M. Kumihashi, M. Jamal, A. Ito, K. Tsutsui, S. Kimura, S. Matsubara, K. AmenoRom J Leg Med23(3)208-210(2015) 11. Study on the relationship between the concentration of ethanol in the blood, urine and the vitreous humour B. G. Ioan, V. Jitaru, R. Damian, S. I. DamianRom J Leg Med23(3)211-216(2015) 12. Socio-demographic and economic characteristics of patients with psychiatric pathology and non-fatal suicidal behavior A. M. Constantin, M. O. D. LupusoruRom J Leg Med23(3)217-220(2015) 13. Psychosocial factors associated to violence against women O. P. Velea, C. Truţescu, G. C. CurcăRom J Leg Med23(3)221-226(2015) 14. Variable space distribution of the structures forming the muscle and fascia system in the lumbar region of trunk. Implications in the biomechanics of trauma and legal medicine I. N. Dinca, E. B. Dinca, M. Pasalega, T. Dumitrescu, G. S. Dragoi, Rom J Leg Med23(3)227-232(2015) |