<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 31, Issue 1, March 2023

Rom J Leg Med31(1)44-49(2023)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


S. Minciuna

Abstract: The public authority responsible for health insurance, through the elaboration of normative acts at the beginning of the pandemic, considered the establishment of measures to support vulnerable people who are in isolation at home, as a result of measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, in view of the activity of community health care.
Romania, compared to other states, tried to organize and protect the country’s population in the best possible way during the pandemic period -COVID-19, this having a major impact on society. The central public authority together with the public authority responsible for health insurance, as well as the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations ensured the monitoring of the situation of coronavirus infected patients and the impact on the population. Also, as a result of monitoring the situation, measures were taken regarding the state of emergency and at the same time measures were taken to organize and coordinate the health system throughout the country.
With the outbreak of the epidemic, a number of dysfunctions in the ability to deal with such a medical tragedy have emerged at the level of all states. , the fragile balance of the mentality of the population and with the major impact of this
In Romania, from the beginning of the pandemic, it was noticed that the medical system was outdated, but we were
not the only country facing this situation, this happening in many other countries in the Western world, but in our country the situation seemed unusual.
In this pandemic situation, experts, medical specialists failed to inform the population about this virus and its consequences, in terms of guiding and guiding the population to vaccination and immunization, as well as establishing restrictions and issuing clear and concise regulations.
Keywords: public health, public authority, health system, community care, challenge, Covid-19 implementation, health services, healthcare, control, pandemic, coronavirus.

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