<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 30, Issue 4, December 2022

Rom J Leg Med30(4)302-309(2022)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


S. M. Bălan, C. Stanciu, A. Cotoară

Abstract: In the last few years, significant progress has been made in the field of restorative justice by international and European instruments. Restorative justice aims to bring justice closer to people and considers participation as a fundamental, binding human value to people instead of separating them. Restorative justice focuses on what people perceive as a just, fair, and safe experience following a crime or conflict, through the European Mediarej project, specialists from four countries (Croatia, Italy, Romania, Spain), developed and implemented useful tools for restorative justice, the methodology consisted of focus groups and interviews with the targeted target group, young people.
Keywords: restorative justice, training, mediation, restorative justice instruments.

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