<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 30, Issue 2, June 2022

Rom J Leg Med30(2)93-99(2022)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


M. F. Popa, M. L. Mihai, S. Deacu, M. Vasile, A. E. Nicolescu, S. Halichidis

Abstract: Electrofishing is a fishing method allowed in our country only for research purposes. Law prohibits the use of this method for fishing. However, many anglers use the method to catch fish from private ponds for marketing and consumption. The method is not so harmful to fish as we will see, but, in case of non-compliance or ignorance of the method of correct use of the device, it can result in the death of the individual or individuals involved in their use for the desired catch. The article presents the case of 2 brothers, aged 47 and 50 respectively, who died few minutes one after each other in close vicinity, due to the use of a partially improvised electrofishing installation and non-compliance with electrical safety measures. Measures well known to researchers practicing this method for scientific purposes, in accordance with the law in force on the territory of our country.
Keywords: electrofishing, electrocution.

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