<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 29, Issue 1, March 2021

Rom J Leg Med29(1)142-146(2021)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


C. Delcea, C. V. Siserman

Abstract: Objective. The present research addresses the respondents’ emotional state regarding the fear of Sars- CoV-2 contamination and the rational-emotional attitude. Specifically, we are interested in whether catastrophic perceptual- emotional evaluations can intensify maladaptive emotions and behaviors in the case of forensic staff.
Methods. The study included 91 participants from the Romanian Forensic Medicine Network, randomized, using DA-COVID Scale19, Delcea C and Siserman C, 2020, in electronic / online version in order to assess the subjective dimension of maladaptive emotions and adaptive emotions. The research period was from October 10, 2020 to December 20, 2020.
Results. The scores show the following: forensic pathologists have an adaptive-moderate result; in biologists, general practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, coroners, orderlies and other professional categories we have an adaptive-low result. In the Pearson statistical method, we obtained a significant correlation p <0.01.
Conclusions. The results show that respondents did not catastrophically evaluate the Pandemic phenomenon. Moreover, they did not develop any maladaptive emotional and behavioral consequences.
Keywords: forensic pathologist, Covid-19, perception, rational-emotinal, behavior

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