<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 29, Issue 1, March 2021

Rom J Leg Med29(1)138-141(2021)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


S. Minciuna

Abstract: The public authority responsible for ensuring health during 2020 has tried to identify sources of funding for the health system, as it is fragmented, as it is funded from both the state budget and the budget of the Single National Ensuring Health Fund and other sources, which leads him to face major challenges.
In this context, it is necessary to identify the health challenges, in the sense of the unitary approach of the medical services provided to the insured persons, as well as to the other categories of persons who have the quality of insured, but are exempted from paying the contribution.
The public sector also plays a major role in financing health services: in two thirds of Member States, more than 70% of health expenditure is financed by the public sector. However, in Romania, health expenditures are less than 6% of GDP, respectively medical services (public and private) compared to the European average of 8.5% and the average of 9.8% of the European Union (all Member States).
Keywords: health system, ensuring health, health expenditure, health, medical services, health sustainability, health services, public health care, good practice

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