<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 29, Issue 1, March 2021

Rom J Leg Med29(1)69-73(2021)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


G. Ricci, G. Nittari, L. L. Campanozzi, A. Feola, G. Mazzalupi, L. Ceglie, A. Sirignano

Abstract: This paper describes the latest advancements of forensic odorology, a technique that uses canine units to detect forensic evidence at a crime scene. For a long time, dogs’ olfaction has been used to find missing persons, dead bodies, and explosive substances. These dog skills have been further de-veloped to identify olfactory fingerprints at crime scenes. Currently, forensic odorology plays an important role in pyromania and arson investigations, computer and electronic material searches, fugitive location, currency, tobacco and weapon recovery, as well as poaching fighting. During the Scent Detection activity, the dog is trained to detect the smell of a previously imprinted substance (substance odor imprinting). When the dog sniffs traces of a specific substance, it focuses on the track and follows itn to identify the odor source. Thus, the dog will reproduce a previously ac-quired behavioral response to signal the handler the presence of the substance. In this review, we touch upon canine forensic odorology, highlight the most innovative forensic activities carried out with dogs, and discuss how these investigative tools can be used in criminal trials.
Keywords: odorology, crime scene investigation, detection dogs

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