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Rom J Leg Med31(2)213-219(2023)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


O. D. Bălălău, R. V. Scăunașu, C. Bălălău, O. G. Olaru, I. Motofei, N. Bacalbașa, M. Lupușoru

Abstract: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common complication of childbirth and causes a major public health problem, affecting 10-15% of mothers globally each year. Untreated, maternal depression has multiple potential negative effects on maternal-infant attachment, child development, married life, interaction with others, and social integration, which in some cases can lead to suicidal ideation.
Being a psychiatric disorder, postpartum depression benefits from the support of the Romanian state through law 487/2002. It provides access to specialized treatment centers, makes an individualized diagnosis based on the psychiatric history of each patient and establishes a phased treatment, with specialized monitoring and periodic evaluations. However, several studies in the literature demonstrate patient’s reluctance to acknowledge the presence of PPD symptoms and refuse treatment, especially medication, but most women diagnosed with PPD opt for psychotherapy.
The psychotherapist’s approach is adapted to each situation, being specific to the case. It is very important that the patient’s informed consent is strictly observed, and that the cases of deviation from it be strictly legal, which the patient has become aware of.
Keywords: postpartum depression, psychotherapist, informed consent, interpersonal psychotherapy.

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